24.06 - 04.09.2022
Łukasz Wierzbowski. Natural histories

Location: Fort Institute of Photography in Warsaw, Fort Mokotów, ul. Racławicka 99, Building 4
Gallery hours: Wed to Fri 2:00 PM -6:00 PM. Sat to Sun 12:00-6:00 PM
Exhibition opening: 24 June 2022 at 19:00
Curator Tour Dates:
- 26 June 2022 (Sunday) at 1:00 PM
- 27 August 2022 (Saturday) at 1:00 PM
Tickets: adult 9 zł, reduced 7 zł, children under 12 free
Curator: Krzysztof Miękus
Is the human species really adapted to the world? Does the world fit the needs of the human body? Is Earth truly the right place for human beings?
The depiction of young men and women in the photographs of Łukasz Wierzbowski is akin to the way kittens are stuffed into vases to see if they fit. Their bodies evaluating the comfort and convenience of the objects they encounter – a glass plate, a wardrobe, a roadblock, a construction crane, the junk remnants of a burned-up car. These images are quite far from any cool, analytical sort of conceptualism. In fact, they are downright baroque in their excess – sensual and even fragrant. The artist’s lens captures the gleam of blooming young women, flowers too, the light of the setting sun. Wierzbowski’s visual world is replete with sensory stimulation, bright and warm, and yet underpinned with a sense of unease. This unease is albeit transformed into innocent jokes and play. These Natural Histories make up a multidimensional game of hardly any rules. This is an iconographic labyrinth of ideas, themes, references, figures and repetitions. It is up to the audience to interpret their collective significance.
This is the artist's first major solo exhibition in Poland, comprising 100 photographs across more than a decade.
ŁUKASZ WIERZBOWSKI - born in Lubliniec in 1983. Wierzbowski holds university degrees in dentistry and psychology in Wrocław. He began taking photographs during his freshman year, with his cousins Ania and Magda as his primary subjects.
Today he is a recognised photographer working in the fashion industry (most often for South Korean brands) as well as news and fashion publications, including UK’s The Sunday Times, Germany’s Die Zeit and Australia’s Frankie. His works have also been published in four individual photography albums. The most recent – Intruder – was released by Swiss publishing house Analog in 2022. His works have also been exhibited in a number of group shows, including Romantic Days at the Daelim Museum in South Korea.
All photographs shown at the exhibition are available for sale. The full presentation, including dimensions, editions, techniques and prices, can be viewed and downloaded here
For more information please contact us: biuro@fiff.org.pl
IFF Foundation Patrons: Fort Mokotów, White Stone Development